A2/A2, Native, Polled Milking Shorthorn sire: Cantagree Duca Daosta N P | Bestyet A.I Sires | Grazing Genetics from Dutch Belted and Milking Shorthorns

From the leading Native Milking Shorthorn dairy herd, we are pleased to offer this son of Finocchio N P from the highly respected Duchess cow family.

Daosta’s dam maintained a 12-month average calving interval over 7 lactations, with a top record at 6-11 of 14,380 milk, 3.5% f, 2.9% p. His paternal granddam had a lifetime of 115,130 milk, 4.2%f, 3.5%p.

These actual DHIA records are made under very modest grass-based management and short lactations due to seasonal calving and winter dry-off.

Daosta’s pedigree

Sire: Cantagree Finocchio N P #68323185

PGS: Rojahns Iris NKT Lancer N ET P #68307340

PGD: Cantagree Fennel N #467074

Dam: Cantagree Duches Cache 24 N P #68305752

MGS: Cantagree Victor Ivanovich N P #462366

MGD: Cantagree 9th Duches O Cache N #462007

Finocchio — Daosta’s sire

Daosta’s line bred sire, Finocchio P (Read more here), has sired very fine daughters and his semen not surprisingly sold out in a short time.

Lady Rosa, Finocchio’s paternal sister at four years old
Faith, a Finocchio daughter
Flossie, a Finocchio daughter

Dual-purpose genetics

The best milking dual-purpose genetics are represented in Daosta, such as Meadowbrook Chieftain 9th, Borg’s Dairy King 5th, Lagos Cache Winner and Flintstone Robin Hood.

We are finding there is more and more interest in “Heritage Shorthorns” (given the “Native” designation by the American Milking Shorthorn Society), that is, traditional Milking Shorthorns free of the other blood (primarily Holstein) introduced by the AMSS Genetic Expansion program. For more discussion on these issues, see our blog post on the topic.

Daosta comes from a longstanding dairy herd, one of the very few that is serious about the milking qualities of Native Milking Shorthorns. While we don’t expect these cattle to milk like modern high-input dairy cattle, for low-input farmsteads looking for regular calving intervals, fleshing ability and no-fuss cows, they can be a great fit.

For more information on Daosta, see page 13 of our semen catalog.

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